Sunday, August 16, 2009

Reason for this blog

The reason I am writing this blog is because I am nowhere near where I expected to be in my life and I am going to attempt to view this in a positive light. I will probably be using this blog for self-reflection and all that type of emo stuff that high schoolers do. Along the way I will also probably comment on movies, music, or anything else that strikes my fancy.

I have had to alter my expectations severely this year.

Academically- I expected to be a master's student at some college as a coach of speech and debate and have an excellent GPA and all that. Instead I find myself with a horrid GPA in a degree program that I can't stand in my 5th year as an undergrad. This probably isn't a bad thing though as I have come to the conclusion that I really don't want to do speech and debate coaching.

Relationship- I am actually surprised that my relationship with my boyfriend, Tracy, is going as well as it has been going. We have gotten over a rough patch and things are looking up. So instead of having to deal with the death of a relationship I am actually enjoying a new sense of happiness in my relationship with him.

Socially- One of my social circles has imploded because I have decided to take a hiatus from speech and debate. My other social circle has suffered the lose of a really great person because she just had to move to North Carolina, however, I am really excited for Chase/Bite to get geared back up. I am also going to make an attempt to become more active on campus. Again, speech and debate caused me to not be active because of the time that it took to be a some-what successful participant in it.

Physically-Ok, so I am going to steal a page from Meghan and Wendi and talk about weight and food on here. By the way, congrats Meg on your successful summer. You looked absolutely amazing when I saw you last. With the weight thing, I weigh 245 lbs and am so not happy with that. So I am going to use this blog at times to talk and work my way through that.

So I enter this blog with a life that has been filled with expectations that have not been met and I am going to view this as a positive and use this year as an opportunity to fix things that need to be fixing and to grow.


  1. Yo! just wanted to let you know I'm following =) and trust me, Mario and I miss you guys prolly way more than you miss us, after all we're alone out here while you still have chase/bite. Still, time marches on or some shit...

  2. Yay Vian! =) It's amazing how much a blog can help you accomplish big, life-change-y goals; I think it's something about publicly declaring your intentions and monitoring the progress. I'm definitely following you, and you know I'm behind you all the way!
