In order to get the connection between the title of the post and the post itself you really have to listen to the song. Its by Linkin Park and it is really good.
In the last post I said I was going to take a look at some of my beliefs and in doing so I found out something that is kinda shocking or at least it was to me. I am a liberal. For anyone who knows me this is a very major thing as even after I came out I still clung to the label of conservative. I found this out by looking at most of my beliefs and they are pretty liberal and I am not talking about the Oklahoma faux liberal. I am talking about rainbow flag waiving hippy liberal. For instance, health care, I personally believe in a single payer system (in other words I believe the government should provide health care, not private industry). Does this mean that I like our current president? NO!!!!!! I think he is a smooth talking con artist who is falling back on his promises. In the one issue that made me think I was a conservative, I have come to the realization that that opinion is actually quite a liberal one once I actually sat down and thought about what I actually believe.
Off the politics for a moment, I have also come to the realization that I am in the wrong major, like I hate my major and if this wasn't my fifth year in college I would change it. I should probably be in English Literature, Cultural Studies, or some sort of non-specialized minority history as most of my history classes have focused on minority groups. This being said I am so glad that I am not taking a Communication class this semester as I have begun to find these classes rather dull.
Speech and Debate started back up again and I was given a little taste of the drama when a friend called to inform me the drama that was going on with the team and you know what? I am so glad to be off the team cause from the outside the drama seems so meaningless and petty.
Well nothing else is really new here maybe in the next blog I will tackle my thoughts on religion or something else of such magnitude but for now I get to go read Kant and Locke for Enlightenment Lit tomorrow.
Day 250
15 years ago